Friday, January 4, 2008

So Much Happening, So Little Blogging

It has been nearly two months since I blogged a single, solitary word. Life has been crazy and wonderful and exciting. I don't even know where to begin. Thomas turned 11 on Thanksgiving. We met him for the first time two days later and we've been doing visits ever since. He is this wonderful little guy and has already become such an amazing part of our lives. We've had our ups and downs during visits and we've had a lot of bonding moments. Nathan and I are so in love with Thomas and we are thrilled about having him in our lives. He really became our son so quickly and we can't wait until he moves in permanently. If all goes as scheduled he should move into our house on January 18th.

The amazing thing about the past two months is how God has truly orchestrated our family coming together. We were so afraid about becoming parents of a 10/11 year old. We were afraid we wouldn't know what to say or how to take care of him. God has truly made our time together such a blessing. I can't imagine now what life would have been like if Thomas had never been a part of our family. Nathan and I have been so motivated to tell others about how amazing this experience is. There are so many fears that surround adopting a child from the foster care system let alone an older child. We in no way want to give the impression that any of this is easy on us or on Thomas. There are so many obstacles and there are a lot of emotions that must be dealt with. The bottom line is, Thomas is a sweet, talented, intelligent, loving kid who needs and wants a family. He isn't a monster, or a fire starter, or an enemy. He isn't what so many people think he ought to be because of his past. In just a few short visits, he has become my son, for better or worse, forever. We want more people to know that there are so many children in this country who could be amazing additions to families everywhere. God has a plan for these kids and you could be part of that plan. You could be blessed by an amazing kiddo who is a survivor and courageous and resilient. Thomas has changed our world for the better. We miss him when he isn't here and we wait, very impatiently, for him to become a permanent part of our family.

As for this blog, I'm sorry I've left you all hanging for a while. I intend to write more from now on. I'd love to keep you all updated on how Thomas is doing and how things are progressing. If you are interested in more of the details of adoption through the foster care system, email me at and I'd be glad to talk with you more about the process and the steps involved to pursue one of the great kiddos waiting for a home. You could also check out the Kansas Children's Service League website for more information at

Until next time, be blessed...

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