Friday, August 10, 2007


Sorry about the silence. I can't believe how busy the past few weeks have been. My last post was just before I left for Las Vegas. 48 hours after I returned from Vegas, Nathan returned from his endless deployment to Iraq. It was amazing and wonderful and I'm sure that I will post all about it in the next few days once I get my head on straight. Nathan and I spent a week getting life in order and we bought a new minivan (new to us). I'll post pics of it soon. Then we promptly headed out to Vermont to visit with my dear family there. We got home from Vermont last night and now Nathan is laying a tile floor in our basement with his buddy, Brandon. All in all, we haven't stopped in nearly four weeks. I haven't read my emails or cleaned my house or done anything normal for a very long time. One note of praise, beside the obvious joy of having my soulmate home, I finally got a full time job!!! I was offered an amazing position as intake coordinator/office manager at Sunlight Child Advocacy Center just a few minutes drive from our house. I'll be working with kids and their families who have a report of child abuse. I'm excited about the position because I get to have a direct impact in the lives of children who desperately need an advocate. I start just two days after our renewal of vows ceremony. We'll be having this big wedding in just one week so I've got a ton to do to prepare for our arriving guests. I start my job with a one week business trip to Knoxville, TN. So, if you don't hear much from me for the next two weeks it is just because the insanity of my life continues.

Update on adoption thoughts and plans: After much back and forth discussion about birth control, Nathan and I have officially decided that our baby lives in Ethiopia and we aren't interested in waiting to bring him home because we got pregnant. I got a Rx for birth control today and we will be waiting on biological children until after our sweet boy comes home. We are both already in love with him, even though we don't know just who he is yet. We were able to talk to my family in Vermont about the adoption plans and they were all very supportive and excited for us. Things are well in our world.

I'll try to post again soon. Miss you all!