Tuesday, November 6, 2007


THOMAS!!!! It is a bit of a long story but I wanted to let you all know that in just about ten days, we will meet our very first son! His name is Thomas and he is ten years old. The social worker who we worked with regarding the Dynamic Duo called us and said that they had just done a staffing on a kiddo that would be perfect for our home. He told us about him and we instantly felt like Thomas was an answer to our prayers. We have asked the Lord, night after night, to send the children that He has for us. Thomas's social worker told us that the one thing Thomas really wanted was a family that was involved in church. We aren't anything, if not involved in church!

We can't wait to meet our Thomas! We've told some people about him and we can't wait to be able to tell everyone about meeting him in just ten short days. I can't believe I'm going to be a mom! It really has been amazing how God has taken our journey through so many thoughts and options and has landed us at one place we'd never really thought of. We already feel so incredibly blessed to be given the gift of Thomas and his young life. We can't wait to meet him and learn all about him and share our lives with him. We will most certainly post pictures and let you all know how it goes.

We, first and foremost, want to thank God in prayer for His faithfulness and His grace and the blessing of Thomas. We'd also like to ask that you would continue to pray for a job for Nathan. He is going for his call back interview with Coca Cola tomorrow afternoon and we are praying that the Lord would open this door. We are hoping to have the blessing of homeschooling Thomas for at least his first year with us and we can't do that without a better position for Nathan. Pray for Thomas as this is going to be a big transition for him and we know that he will have to grieve his losses of everything and everyone he knows. Pray that he would feel loved and know that he is permanent here in our home. Pray for new friends for him as well. Pray for us, that we would be the parents Thomas deserves and that we would give him grace and give ourselves grace as we all adjust to one another. Pray that our first meeting goes really well and that Thomas feels positive about us.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support! We love you!

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